Stress...But good stress!
>> May 27, 2005
I'm quickly coming to a close on my first quarter of grad school. Does anyone even know I'm in grad school?
For those of you who don't know, let me fill you in. In March I was accepted into the MS program in Educational Counseling and Guidance / PPS credential at California State University San Bernardino. I began my first quarter of a three year program in April and I have been overwhelmed to say the least. Lots of work, lots of dedication, and lots of stress, but I couldn't be more excited to be a part of this program. For awhile now it's been a goal of mine to encourage our youth to go on and pursue a higher education. Through my undergrad work as a Sociology major, I learned so much about the lack of adequate mentors that minorities, especially Latinos, have while going to school. With no direction or guidance from anyone, dropping out of school, or not going on to college is often the end result.
So this is where I'm at now, and this is what I'm doing. I don't have much time to myself anymore and it's becoming harder to spend time with Annie, or at least the amount of time I would like to.
She understands, but like everyone, sometimes her understandable needs get in the way, which make things tough. But we find a way to talk it out and work it out becasue we're better than that.
I could go on but I know I've already put everyone to sleep.
So I'll end it now
More news to come soon. Must get back to school work.