Do I really have these CD's???

>> Jul 13, 2005

What CD is not in my collection
REM - Around the Sun
Ella Fitzgerald and Duke Ellington - Ella at Duke's place
Original soundtrack - Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory
Ben Harper - Live on Mars
Gomez - Liquid Skin
Tracy Lawrence - I See It Now
Arcade Fire - Funeral
Elton John - Live at the Greek Theatre, L.A. 1970
Joseph Arthur - Vacancy EP
Amos Lee - Amos Lee
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At L & O's wedding

>> Jul 7, 2005

Wow! Do I really have my hair up? Doesn't Anthony look so handsome in his tux? :)

The story of Ahi is simple. I love tuna. The end.

Just kidding. It stuck after my cousin, who will remain unnamed, couldn't say my name correctly when he was younger. I became Ahi. Then everything just came together. Ahi this, Ahi that, it can get pretty annoying. But who'd have thunk that the cousin that used to pee in my lap would give me a nickname that I would keep forever? And also, I do love ahi tuna--raw. Mmmm.


You think you know us huh?

Well I guess Annie and I couldn't fool you guys.
An overwhelming 75% guessed correctly that Annie's nickname is Ahi.
I'll let Annie fill you in on the history behind the nickname Ahi.

57% said that REM is my favorite rock group. As much as I love Gomez there's still a special place in my heart for REM. A fan since Automatic for the people, my REM collection now takes up it's own cd rack. There's something about listening to REM in the car and singing my heart out with Michael Stipe. My favorite REM song you ask??? That's a tough one but I would have to say Perfect Circle off of murmurs.

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