8 days to go...the fear sets in!

>> Apr 21, 2006

I guess I could have read all these books and gain a better insight as to how this whole marriage thing works. I love Annie more than anything in this world and I know she feels the same way. This whole week I've been filled with excitement trying to organize the condo and get it ready for Annie to join me. I can't wait for her to join me and keep me company. However, I need to realize that on her end she is struggling with leaving her house and this is where the fear sets in. How do we make it on our own? Starting April 30 it will just be her and I.

Do we need these books? I don't think so. I like to believe this fear is nothing more than walking away from being comfortable for 27 years. It's all we've known and it's all we're used to. This doesn't mean though that we should hide from a new challenge. I believe the love Annie and I hold for each other will keep us protected. As much as I will be there to take care of her and protect her, I know she will also do the same for me. We're a team, we're the A-Team!

Words of encouragement are much apprecitated. How do you all make it work? Whether you've been married less than a year or married for more than 30 years, your advice is well received.


Anonymous 5:40 PM  

how cute, you had to order books on how to have agood marriage.

did you rent them from the stoe

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