Master of the Universe
>> Sep 22, 2008
I received word late Sunday evening (9/7/08) that I passed my comprehensive exam and I now officially have my masters in Educational Counseling! Words can’t describe the feeling. This blog entry won’t do it justice, but I’ll try.
I’ve been lucky enough these past three years to be given all the love and support from my wife, my family, and my friends, that I would ever need. It goes without saying that I would not be here today with a Masters degree if it weren’t for these wonderful people in my life.
Although everyone played a role in my achievement, my biggest gratitude goes out to my wife. Annie has been there for me through thick and thin. Our Catholic faith is strong and I truly believe God worked through her to help me achieve my goal. It wasn’t ceive my degree just as I’m ready to receive my baby boy. I’m hopeful that a better life lies ahead for the Valtier’s #3. I can’t say when it will happen but I do know it’s in the cards. We’ve waited our turn for our big break. Our time is here.
Life without school will be new and exciting, but I’ve learned to never rule out furthering my education. Six years ago I didn’t think I would get out of Mt. SAC. I was on academic probation twice in my five year career there and I was sure I would get kicked out or drop out. Luckily I passed and moved on to CSUSB. Finally school meant something to me and I received my Bachelors in two years. I was certain I was done and getting my Masters was last on my list. A year later I found myself applying for grad school and this would begin a long three year program. Dropping out when times got tough was on my mind quite a few times. Being a first year grad student, getting married that year, and being a first year teacher was no easy task, but Annie pushed and cheered me on.
Ti-na-na would not let me drop out and she practically dragged me across the stage to receive my degree. My friendship with Tina has grown tremendously these past three years and she will forever be in my thoughts. A great friend indeed!
I will miss school in a weird way, but I’m done for now. I’m exhausted and for once I want to enjoy just being a husband and soon-to-be daddy! Annie deserves my love and time more than anyone else for the sacrafices she had to go through while I was in school.
More relieved it’s over than anything else, The counselor in me just wants to move on and now be a source of inspiration for my past, current, and future students in my counseling profession.
Bye bye!
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