Where did the time go??????
>> Nov 25, 2008
Where to begin? Sorry it's been so long since we've blogged, but we've been so busy lately!
Our Friends, The Termites
Back in September, we had some rain and then hot weather. With that came the best gift ever! Another swarm of termites that took over the second bedroom! Our building is about 18 years old, and we've had about three incidents of termites invading that room. Yech. So with the baby in mind, I generated a strongly worded email to our HOA to get this whole building fumigated. We had to move out and move into Hotel Paraiso for three days. The circus was in town, or that's what it looked like as we drove by our building during the fumigation. It was fun living with my parents and brother again, as they accomodated so much. Although it was insanely hot that weekend, and I couldn't sleep comfortably to save my life, it reminded Anthony and I that we always have a place to stay in time of need, whether it be with my family or with his family. We are lucky.
Annie the Klutz
If anyone knows me, they know that Annie does not equal graceful. Even before the pregnancy, I am always knocking things over or tripping over nothing. I wish I could blame it on me being pregnant but it just wouldn't be true. With the pregnancy, I'm even worse. On the first night we came back to our house, our little condo was still unliveable. Our eyes stung from the fumes and we could still smell whatever they used to fumigate. So, even after airing out the place for a few hours, we still thought it was unsafe to breath in all the fumes. As we made our way back to the parking lot, I saw Anthony trying to unload some things from the car. I walked down a short set of stairs (4 steps, to be exact) to try to help him, but ended up tripping on the last step. I twisted my ankle and grabbed for the railing and kinda swung around and sat on my butt. But I was in pain. And then I called for Anthony, who missed the whole thing because his back was still turned to me. I think I scared him and I was scared myself. I thought I might have hurt the baby somehow. Luckily, I didn't feel any pain anywhere near the baby, but it was still scary. I cried, he cried. I think it was just a mix of stress that we couldn't sleep in our own house and the scare I just gave us. My ankle is still tender to this day and I keep forgetting and continue to land on it and make it sore again. Thanks to my sis-in-law, Rosie, I try to do some exercises to help the pain and swelling, which helps a lot.
Frodo Annie Baggins and Her Hobbit Feet
I have to say I love my salt. I've always been more of a savory and salty girl versus craving sweets and desserts. Even though I've been trying to stay off the salt (please forget my lemon-salt stint a few months ago), my feet are tellling me I'm not doing enough. Anthony hasn't really made any negative comments about my changing body, but when it comes to my swollen feet, all of his courtesy goes out the window. He has made a lot of Lord of the Rings comments, which I do not appreciate, but must admit that it is true. I had been resigned to wearing flip-flops everywhere I go: work, church, nice places, etc. I'd show pictures but I'd rather not.
Baby Shower(s)
Lots of baby showers! Anthony and I didn't realize we knew so many people! We had a total of 4 baby showers, one with family and close friends, one "surprise" one with my current co-workers, one "surprise" one with Anthony's 5th grade class, and one with my old co-workers. The biggest one was organized by my sister and our families (with the help of Oscar and Leana), and while it was hectic and crazy, it was a great day with my favorite baby shower games and lots of food. All in all, we got so many great gifts and the greatest gift of all: the realization that we are blessed with the love and support of so many people.
Mi Familia
The biggest surprise of all was the arrival of my cousins and families from far away. My cousin Frances made the trip out from Chicago to sunny Arizona and then to California for the shower to represent my Chi-town family! It was great to see her and happy that she could share the great weather and party with us. My biggest regret was that we couldn't show her around LA and Hollywood, which I know she would have loved. But there will always be another time! My cousins and aunt and uncle from Arizona also came. It made me happy that they made the trip just for us. My aunt, who is my mom's sister, was a huge help in cooking and setting up the favors. Another nice surprise was my Lola Elma, who I hadn't seen in forever, and surprised me at the party. It was wonderful to see my grandfather's sister, and nice to know that she wanted to wish us and the baby the best!
Spring Awakening--Again!
Ever since seeing the play in San Diego, we had been looking forward to seeing it again once they came to LA. The cast was again amazing and we had a nice night, just the two of us. It is becoming one of our favorites as far as musicals go. Maybe we can squeeze in another performance before the baby comes????
Lamaze Classes
For five weeks, our Saturdays had been taken over by Lamaze classes. My only experience with the classes were what I saw on TV, with preggo lady sitting on a mat, closing her eyes and breathing, and the husband/support person sitting behind her, breathing with her. Nope, that's not what we got. We had a retired nurse with knee replacement surgery who drew stick figures on the board of what we "should" do once the time comes and read out of a book most of the time. Yes, I had some mat time, but it was just for me to lay down and relax while we discussed different scenarios of being in different places (grocery stores, a mall, a friend's houses) and going into labor.
Next blog will come in the next day or so. We have to talk about my maternity leave, getstational diabetes, monitoring twice a week and the baby room! Hopefully I can post some pictures soon. My waist is now 44 inches and as uncomfortable as I am, I know I will be sad to not be pregnant anymore. But within in the next three weeks, the Ziggy will arrive and Anthony and I will be officially parents!
Love you all. Hope you are still reading this even after we haven't updated in so long!
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