Noachella this year :(

>> Apr 17, 2009

So priorities have changed this year with the addition of Isaiah. Coachella has been an on again off again sort of tradition for the last several years. It looks like we're off again. Do we bring Isaiah, do we not bring Isaiah? After all, he was there last year :)As much of a hassle it may sound to bring such a young infant, Annie and I believe we could have done it. So then why opt out this year? Baby? Weak line-up on some days? Money issues? Well all might have influenced our decision in some way but the real reason has to do with his upcomimg Baptism. Long story there, but bottom line is I felt it wouldn't be right to go and have fun at the expense of my arents losing out on a night of fun.

In any case, I've been following Coachella this year via AT&T's webcast. So far the baby and I have seen the Courteneers, Aggrolites (to which Isaiah was rocking out to!), The Airborne Toxic Event, and currently playing is Alberta Cross (I'm liking them)

It's hard to watch the webcast and not witness the sights and sounds for myself. Looks like beautiful weather this week in Indio, CA. I've made a promise already though: We shall return next year! With Isaiah too!


Spring Break with the boy

Well this week is drawing to a close and if you've been following on facebook or twitter then you're probably aware I'm on Spring Break. I thought I would share the highlights of my week with the Zig.

Monday Annie stayed home because the baby was sick (he had been sick for the past 5 days). We took him to the doctors and she ordered an x-ray for the little guy. I had to be tough in front of him and not show how scared I really was. We walked into a dimly lit room and put on these x-ray protector vests. They harnessed him in a contraption in what Annie describes as, "Some Hannibal Lecter looking thing." As scary as it was, it was over and we were out. RSV test, throat culture, and x-ray came back negative and Isaiah just has to get over his little cold.

Tuesday was fun. Annie went to work (Not the reason it was fun!) It was just the boy and I all day. Slept a lot that day because he was sick. Rest is what this boy needed because he woke up in a great mood and I managed to tape his laughing attack you might have seen by now on youtube. Who knew he would get such a kick out of hearing his daddy say "Go Boom!" Crazy kid!

Wednesday I had to make a pit stop at the dentist so I dropped off the baby at grandma's and papa's house. had lunch with them. Came home to spend more quality time with the Zig. Returned that night back at my parent's house for dinner.

We pretty much spent all day on Thursday staring at each other. Nowhere to go. wanted to go for a walk but remembered Annie had driven to work with the stroller in the back. Made dinner that night! Yes, I made dinner! Nothing fancy. Smoked sausage and potatoes. It's the only complete meal, if you call it a meal, I know how to make. It's the thought that counts right?!

Side note: He's decided these past two days to wake-up at between 2:30am and 3:00 am. Lucky me because I'm on spring break, I get to stay up with him and put him back to sleep. Very tired.

So here we are on Friday. Beautiful day. Annie left the stroller for me. Went on our walk. Sitting next to me as I type this. I had fun this week. Sure it was tough and it felt like Groundhogs Day every day (wake-up, feed, change diaper, play, sleep, wake-up, feed, change diaper, play, sleep...)One can imagine the excitement I felt at 7:00pm when I knew Annie would be walking through the door any minute. However, the quality time I got to spend with my son far outweighs the exhaustion I felt at the end of the day. I'll miss him next week when I return to work. I love my little dude and I hoped I showed it this week.


Isaiah's first cold!

>> Apr 13, 2009

It was bound to happen one of these days. Isaiah has a cold. Suffy nose, chest congested, but still happy as a clam. Took him to the doctor today on day 1 of my Spring Break. Annie stayed home today as well (feels sorry for the little guy). X-rays are negative. Results of RSV test came back negative as well. Guess he needs to just tough it out. Time to crank up the vaporizer.


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