Noachella this year :(
>> Apr 17, 2009
So priorities have changed this year with the addition of Isaiah. Coachella has been an on again off again sort of tradition for the last several years. It looks like we're off again. Do we bring Isaiah, do we not bring Isaiah? After all, he was there last year :)As much of a hassle it may sound to bring such a young infant, Annie and I believe we could have done it. So then why opt out this year? Baby? Weak line-up on some days? Money issues? Well all might have influenced our decision in some way but the real reason has to do with his upcomimg Baptism. Long story there, but bottom line is I felt it wouldn't be right to go and have fun at the expense of my arents losing out on a night of fun.
In any case, I've been following Coachella this year via AT&T's webcast. So far the baby and I have seen the Courteneers, Aggrolites (to which Isaiah was rocking out to!), The Airborne Toxic Event, and currently playing is Alberta Cross (I'm liking them)
It's hard to watch the webcast and not witness the sights and sounds for myself. Looks like beautiful weather this week in Indio, CA. I've made a promise already though: We shall return next year! With Isaiah too!
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