No Work Today

>> Nov 11, 2009

So my friend, Tracy, reminded me that there are still people that check our blog to see if we've updated it. We've been so busy, but I'm going to try to type a quick update while the little one takes his nap.

After 6 years, I was laid off from my job in August. It was a tough choice to make, since they offered me another position. I decided to take this opportunity to go back to school and walk a new path in my life. I hope to work towards my Dietetic License to become a dietician. It will take a while, since I have to take more chemistry and biology classes in order to be accepted as a Master's student at Cal Poly Pomona, but I am positive it will all be worth it. Aside from other people, Anthony was the one who helped me make this decision. He's all for me trying to find my calling, and I love him and appreciate him for that.

Since I'm not working and since I was only able to register for one class this semester, I am home a lot more now, and my days are spent doing what I love: taking care of our beautiful boy. It's not an easy job, but I knew that. I haven't missed any "firsts" yet, and for that, I am blessed. I'm not sure if he's talking quite yet, but he does say a few words, like, "mamamamama" and "dah dah dah" and sometimes "durkah durkah durkah". He's crawling like a maniac now, and pulling himself up along walls and coffee tables. He can even balance and stand on his own if he feels like it. He'll be walking any day now!

My time these past few weeks has been spent on studying, of course, and now planning his first birthday party! Ant and I are so excited...Yo Gabba Gabba is the theme! Pics will be posted for sure.

I guess you could say we're also trying for another little one. We're kind of serious about it and then we don't think about it. We go back and forth, but one thing is for certain: Isaiah needs a little brother or sister. He loves kids and enjoys patting them on the shoulder or trying to play with them. We would be so happy if we could have another one. The timing would be perfect, since I'm home now. We'll see!

A lot of other things have happened in our lives. Devastating news, sad news, as well as some happy news. I won't go into too many details. But with all of the drama happening around us, Anthony and I have really appreciated each other and our little family more than ever. We love what we have, even though it may not seem like much to others. We see things in a different light now. Even though we have a small house that seems to get tinier over time, at least we have shelter. Even though we're tired and busy all the time, at least we have our health and we can do fun things with each other any time we want. We are blessed and the three of us are in love with each other and that's all that matters.

I will post another blog soon, with pictures! Halloween-Ziggy was Obi Wan Kenobi. First haircut. Crawling. Birthday parties. Weekend getaways. Lots more!


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