Cramp of the Century

>> Jul 31, 2008

I am always proud to brag about my high tolerance for pain. I'm usually the one to tell people to "suck it up" or "it doesn't sound that bad". But this morning when I woke up, I had the world's worst leg cramp. I'd never had leg cramps before being pregnant, so I wonder why I get them so frequently now. But this morning was the worst. It was my usual routine: after Anthony gets out of the shower, he wakes me up so I can take my shower. I cry for a little bit (I absolutely hate waking up early in the morning), then realize that I can stall no longer, so I stretch and get up. But this time, the cramp from demon-land stopped me. It was like someone was pulling my leg muscle with all their strength and as the seconds went by, the pain worsened. I started sweating and tears started forming. Anthony tried to help by stretching my foot and massaging my calf, but nothing was working. Finally it went away, but with the pain subsiding came a realization:

If I can't even survive a leg cramp, how the hell am I going to go through labor pains?


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