I feel the earth move under my feet. I feel the sky tumbling down.
>> Jul 29, 2008
Never has Carole King's song ring more true than it did today!
An earthquake rumbled across the Southern California today registering 5.4 on the Richter scale. The shaker was centered in Chino hills, about 20 miles from Rancho Cucamonga. Although it wasn't the biggest rocker in history, Kate Hutton (seismologist at the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena, California) dreams about days like these.
Annie was at work in Universal and felt the tremble of her building hard enough for her to wonder if she should get under her desk or not. She didn't, but if needed, she was prepared. Sure the emergency disaster team was nowhere to be found until one man made a quick walk through to ask if everyone was ok. Sure people in her building were getting conflicting reports whether to evacuate or not. Rest assure, Universal Studios is on top of things. On a side note, Ziggy rode out his/her first seismic activity without any worries :)
I was enjoying my day interning at Sequoia Middle school in Fontana and felt the earth thrust beneath my feat with such force and intensity. We all looked at each other for confirmation that what we felt was indeed an earthquake. All agreed it was and continued our task to pull schedules for students. Some old teacher in the office had to make his joke loud enough for all to hear. "Well this is a great way to start this school year with a bang!" I did not laugh.
All families have been accounted for and everyone seems to be ok! Word has it that Bennie heard the rattle of bottles and instinctively ran to his safe zone...under the computer desk.
The slip in plate tectonics appeared to have hit some places far worse than others. As one eyewitness described on the news, "It was anarchy in the office." Not sure what he meant by that, but it sounds scary!
The aftermath of such a catastrophic event is always the toughest part. I came home to a substantial amount of damage. It's amazing they didn't condemn the building. I think my pictures speak for themselves.
Ok maybe this last picture wasn't caused by the earthquake. Truth be told, the babies room is still under construction. However, now I can blame the mess on the devastating rupture of the fault.
Notice the vast array of words and phrases I've used to describe today's earthquake. All taken from the over dramatic news reports for the day.
Just another day in California. It may take weeks, it may take years, but we will overcome! The clean up begins!
I cannot BELIEVE you posted a picture of our messy baby room.
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