Almost 1 year!

>> Mar 27, 2007

I can't believe Annie and I are quickly appoaching one year. I can't believe so much time has flown by since my last post. Our lives have been busy since August. Annie's job is becoming more demanding and stress is a frequent visitor in her life. School is kicking my butt more than ever, with it becoming more demanding of time and energy. Work is moving right along and doesn't seem to stop. My class is full of character (that's a good thing I think?) and I hate the days I'm away from them. Needless to say, with all this going on in our lives, little time is left to enjoy our marriage. I feel horrible that I've led Annie into my world of work and school. Free time is hard to come by these days and this obviously takes a toll on our marriage. Our love for each other keeps us going though and her support and love keeps me going through work and school.

So how is it that I have free time right now you ask? Easy, I'm on spring break from school! Also looking forward to my spring break from work.

Recently I was asked to make a sacrafice for a friend who was attending a retreat. In my letter to him I expressed my willingness to put aside my work and spend more time with Annie. It seems silly to have to say that, but sadly, it's the truth. I've since made a better effort towards showing Annie I think about her night and day and loving her the way she deserves to be loved. The quarter in school appears to be a tough one requiring lots of fieldwork hours, but I hope things find a way to work out and time with my wife is not compromised.

Annie keeps telling me it's all about time management. Now if I can just find time to figure it out...


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