Can you feel the love tonight?

>> Sep 19, 2005

Wow. I am very overwhelmed by the congrats we have received so far! I received blessings and best wishes from two Lolas (grandmothers) whom I haven't seen in forever. A special hello and prayers to Lola Tita in Cleveland, Ohio, and to Lola Elma in San Pablo City, Philippines who have sent me and Anthony and my family correspondence to congratulate us on our engagement. To see that they had taken the time out to write out very detailed letters really touches my heart. Every time I read the letters, I get more excited about the wedding! Even though it's still about 8 months away, it's as if it's just around the corner, and I can't wait to see mine and Anthony's relatives from all over the world. Thanks again!

I won't forget to mention all of the families that are near to us here in California, too! All of my family has been very supportive and I can tell that everyone is excited about the first wedding of my Dad's immediate family. Yes, Anthony is the second in his immediate family to get married, but I know that they, too, are anticipating the big day!

Don't stop posting, everyone! Does anyone have any questions? Does anyone love us enough to leave a comment?

Much love, Annie


Mr. Valtier

>> Sep 12, 2005

This past week I began my new job as a fifth grade teacher. The experience has been far beyond my expectations. I'm overwhelmed, stressed, tired, and a little lost. However, I can't remember a time when I had more fun. My students are amazing and the environment is one that is positive and caring. Without getting too religious and carried away, I can say that I truly believe that I stand here as a Catholic school teacher, not by accident, but becasue it's my calling. I feel this is where I'm supposed to be right now and inside it feels good.

Of course I haven't been able to do this alone. I have a wonderful woman in my life who has been more than supportive and more than helpful. At times, Annie has dropped everything so that she can help me in the classroom. Whether Annie was sick or not, she has been there for me where I needed her most. Thank you Annie! My parents and Annie's parents have also been very supportive and have done their part in helping me get my classroom ready. Their help is greatly appreciated.

I do want to thank my friends and family for your encouraging words this past week. I've received encouraging e-mails, messages on myspace, and voicemails that certainly helped calm the nerves. As a new teacher, standing in front of those kids, palms sweating, I almost re-thought my decision to do this. Sorry I haven't been able to reply back to everyone or call everyone back. Please understand that I'm busy trying to manage my time with this new job. I have faith that it will get easier... sooner or later.

I'm now in my second week of teaching and I'm having lots of fun!


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