Kris Shingles

>> Dec 21, 2005

Hi, everyone. :(

Question: What is a very painful and often debilitating condition that is caused by the same virus as chickenpox? After one contracts chicken pox, the virus can lie dormant in sensory (skin) nerves for decades. It reappears when the immune system is weakened by age, disease or unmanaged stress. When events occur that decrease the immune system, such as aging, severe emotional stress, severe illness, or long-term usage of corticosteroids, the immune system cannot suppress the dormant organisms any longer and they become active again, causing infection along the pathway of the nerve.

Painful skin blisters erupt on one side of your face or body. Typically, this occurs along your chest, abdomen, back, or face, but it may also affect your neck, limbs, or lower back. It can be excruciatingly painful, itchy, and tender. After one to two weeks, the blisters heal and form scabs, although the pain continues.

This disease in itself is not a communicable disease. However, exposure to the rash may cause small children to develop chickenpox. Pregnant women, adults who have never had chickenpox, and persons with impaired immune systems should avoid direct contact with anyone suffering from this disease.

Answer: The SHINGLES! And Annie has it!

Yes, in the year of interesting illnesses Annie has had (a few months ago, a weird, violent, but quick episode of stomach flu), I have now found a way to get the shingles (sounds like a rock band, yeah?).

Surprised? Not really! With all of my stress out from the wedding and the early and late hours I'm putting in at work, I'm surprised I haven't collapsed yet, just like rock stars do, when they have "exhaustion".

Fortunately, I caught it early. My mom is a plethora of knowledge when it comes to what is wrong with me. She suspected I might have shingles. I went to urgent care right away, and they were able to treat it. My medication makes me hurl every couple of hours, but that's because I hate medication of all kind, and whenever I take them, I get every side effect that it lists. I now only feel a lot of tenderness around my rib area on the left side of my body, but other than that, no rashes, no break outs in blisters, no scary swollen scabs anywhere (nothing like the horror pictures I found on the web). So, I'm okay, but I'm staying home from work just to make sure I don't spread the wealth to anyone who has a low immune system or is pregnant.

Unfortunately, though, I think this may affect my Christmas. I don't think I'd want to cook for the family, because then I'd cry if everyone chose to stay away from it, worried that it might be laced with the shingles, even though by then, I don't think I'd be contagious. Also, there are people with low immune systems and young kids galore in Anthony's side of the family, so I don't know if it would be wise to offer some big Auntie Annie hugs. I did want to do so much, but I just don't have the energy. I haven't even sent out Christmas cards yet, and I just don't think I will.

Anthony also has been hit by the sick bug. First day of his two-week vacation, he got a really bad cold. It's been a few days, but with sleeping in and taking it easy (and a few Coldbusters from Jamba Juice), he's been feeling much better, although he has a really annoying cough that won't go away. But hopefully his plans of catching up with packing for the condo, Christmas shopping, and honeymoon planning should still be able to take place.

And to top it all off, Bennie has been sick! He's been throwing up since Sunday, and we don't know what's wrong with him. DJ had a party for his friends last weekend, and we think he might have eaten something weird. But he's okay now, but he's a little run down. Poor little guy. Right now he's sharing the computer chair with me (tight fit) and making it impossible for me to use the mouse because he's lying his head on top of the pad.

Oh well, a Merry Christmas to all of us! Other than that, we are in good spirits and hopeful that with the New Year comes better health and smooth planning for the wedding!

xoxo and the shingles,


Happy holidays, no wait, MERRY CHRISTMAS..

>> Dec 16, 2005

Hi, everyone. :)

Just wanted to drop in and say hello and see how everyone is doing. As usual, I've been stressed out. I think that with the craziness of the holidays that I get caught up in the frenzy of it all (I'm spending an insane amount of money on presents), and I find that that makes me want to accomplish more for the wedding. But everyone keeps telling me to wait until after the holidays to get anything done. But there just doesn't seem to be enough time. I'm not sure if people understand that the wedding is about 4 months away. Sooooooo much to get done before then.

Christmas will be interesting this year. Anthony and I have always found a way to make time for both families, but for some reason, this year seems a lot more difficult. Maybe because we're making too much of it than it really is? Either way, somehow we'll end up offending someone. I'm a very, very positive thinker.

But here's what's going on with the wedding planning. I ordered my veil and blusher. So cool. I forgot about the veil part of the dress for a while, but just ordering one just made me feel so complete. The blusher is what gives me the tinglies. Just so pretty and frothy looking. The wedding attire is all coming together! I thought I knew what shoes I wanted, but a few weeks ago, I was checking out Christing Aguilera's (I know, but don't judge) wedding pics and I fell in love with her shoes. I'd always seen them in stores, but I always thought that they were like 17 years behind fashion, but actually, they looked so cute. We'll see.

The bridesmaids picked up their dresses. Very cute, very brown. I was happy to see all of the dresses together, although I haven't seen my girls in them yet. I love them all. Now we need to find shoes.

Ooh, ooh, and we finally picked our cake! It's going to be so fabulous. I'm not a cake person, but I just loved designing our cake and going to the tasting and everything. And it'll be different flavors, so we can accommodate all the picky eaters of the bunch.

I can see January being very busy for all of us. I know the bridal shower should be happening around then, and we've got lots of appointments to finalize invites, food (my favorite part), itinerary, music, readings, and other things that can't be put off, at least in my mind.

Seriously, I just can't wait to be married. We've been together for so long, and I keep staring at our empty condo, just itching to move in. But we're doing this the way we'd always planned, and I know that with all the waiting will come its reward. Leana told me a story about her and Oscar (the soon-to-be-ousted newlyweds) that made me feel so excited all over again about starting the Anthony-Annie life together.

Hmm. MZ (love her) passed along the rumored lineup for Coachella. When we were planning our day, we completely forgot about Coachella weekend, which falls on our weekend. Sorry to all the music fans if we're making you choose between us and the Coachella Music Festival. Of course, we can't make it on Saturday, but I'm trying to convince Anthony that we should head on over to good ol' Indio on Sunday. Am I pushing it? But how cool would it be to wake up and know that we've got a sort of honeymoon before our honeymoon? We don't leave for the real thing until May anyway, so IT MAKES SENSE. I'll wear my veil and we'll wear matching shirts that say, "Just married and we're at Coachella." I'll wear my X-tina shoes, too. With shorts. And my hair still did from the night before. YES! Why don't I just wear my wedding dress, too? No, that would be too much. Just the veil, shoes, shorts, and matching shirts. Hahaha. Anybody who knows Anthony knows that he loooooooves to match with me. There was this one time long ago when he picked me up, and we were wearing the same light blue color, and he turned back to his house, and I asked where we were going, and he said, "Back to my house. I need to change." I hope he's over it, because I bought us matching Christmas sweater vests this year. Looks great with light blue shirts.

Merry Christmas to all, if I don't a chance to say it later!

Love, Annie


"There's only us..."

>> Nov 28, 2005

So last week we saw the movie version of RENT. It brought back lots of memories for me. Did anyone ever wonder how Anthony and I came to be? As cheesy as it may be, it all started with RENT. First of all, the final count is Anthony: 11 times and Annie: 6 times--the number of times we had seen RENT the musical.

First of all, Anthony and I met at
Souplantation when we were 18 (we're 27 years old now, so it's been awhile!). So you could say that it's a combination of RENT and Souplantation (the best combination there is!). Anthony was just another co-worker in the grinding, well-oiled wheel that was Souplantation. Gradually, we both realized that we had the same sense of humor (everything was either a pun or an inside joke that was funny only to us), so we were buddies. He had gone to Boston and had seen RENT and came back a raving maniac about it, and talking about it non-stop and how much he loved it, and how he wanted to see it again and again, and that it was coming to LA. I knew vaguely of it; I had gone to a dance recital and heard one of the songs ...I knew I liked it but I never knew what the name of the song was.

And then
RENT came to Los Angeles. I told him I was interested in seeing it some time, but I was never really committed to anything. Then a co-worker (female) came up to me and asked me, "Are you going to see RENT with me and Anthony?" I was surprised and replied, "I'd love to, but I don't think I'm invited." Knowing Anthony's game (the pimp at the "'plantation"), I figured I was part of a plan relating to Anthony's latest crush, so I thought, "WHATEVER; he's using me and didn't even tell me." To make a long story short (I know, I know), after lots of back and forth banter, Anthony convinced me that he really wanted me to go with him and that I wouldn't be the third wheel on their date because it WASN'T a date.

If I remember the back story correctly, Jonathon Larsen (composer, who passed away shortly before opening night on Broadway) had always wanted to make sure students got a chance to see the musical. Thus, the first 2 rows were always reserved for a $20 student rate, and patrons were usually chosen by lottery or by "first-come, first-serve" basis. In the case of Los Angeles, it was by first-come, first-serve, meaning, "You'd better be ready at dawn to bring your sleeping bags, snacks, a good attitude, and hard fists (if anyone tried to steal your place in line), and set up camp at the side of the Ahmanson like a bum if you have a prayer of getting a seat to tonight's show."

I remember asking my dad if I could go see a play in LA with 2 people from work. As many of you may not know, my parents run a tight ship. They have, and always will be strict with me. Imagine how surprised I was when my dad waved at Anthony (whom he's never met) from the top of the staircase at 4 A.M. on a weekday when he came to pick me up. I had an overnight bag and a dressy outfit hanging, and GET THIS, GET THIS, I said to Anthony when my dad went back in his room to continue getting ready for work, after telling us to be safe and drive carefully, "Dude, I feel like I'm eloping, and my dad doesn't even mind."

Tee hee. Ah, my future husband and my dad's future son-in-law. The meeting was perfect.

So we finally get there and after about 14 hours of bumming it against the side of the building, we were ready, and since we were first in line, we got 1st row, center. :)

All I know is that from the moment they started singing, "
Rent", I couldn't stop crying. I'm not sure why I was crying, but it was that emotional for me. I cried through the entire show. The show just had such powerful singing and a unique message. The song I didn't know the name of? "Will I?," which is still one of my favorites.

After continuing to see the show on its run in LA, Anthony and I became closer and soon, best friends.

We became each other's confidante. I remember Anthony once saying about his love life, "I don't think it's in the books for me to get married." And I remember saying back to him, with all sincerity, because I was his best friend, "I think you have to be married. You have a lot of love to give someone else and that can't be wasted." I knew he was touched by that. BUT I DIDN'T MEAN FOR THAT SOMEONE TO BE ME! jk.

We soon realized that we were getting jealous everytime we talked about our recent dates with other people, or who were were pining away for at the moment, or just anyone of the opposite sex that we happened to talk to, I think. But we resisted to tell each other how we felt. After a lot of subtle hints, we decided to give "us" a shot.

So here we are in the present. After 8 years of fighting, soul-searching, moments where we knew we could love no one else but each other, and lots of other musicals and plays (feeding into Anthony's love for theater), we have decided that it IS "in the books" for Anthony to be married, and that I should have convinced him to elope that morning if we knew what we know now.

So as far as the review of the movie...I loved it, aside from the corny parts (hmm, riding around on a bicycle singing doesn't work well, and neither does singing on top of a desert canyon with arms spread open "Scott Stapp"-style). It's difficult to translate certain parts of the play from the stage to the screen. Anthony liked it, but expected more because he loved the play so much. I loved how "
Rent", "Life Support", "Tango: Maureen", "Out Tonight", "Another Day (another absolute favorite of mine)", "La Vie Boheme", and "I'll Cover You reprise" were done.

Have no idea what the hell I'm talking about? WTF is
La Vie Boheme? See the movie or even better, see the play!

I'll see if I can find some dusty pictures of us during those days...

xo, Annie



>> Nov 24, 2005

This year I have found a whole new world to be thankful for.
To be short, simple and stright to the point, I am thankful this year for my future wife (In 5 months!!!!), I am thankful for my wonderful job ( I feel so blessed with this opportunity), I am thankful for my wonderful students, I am thankful for the opportunity to attend graduate school (I'm so stressed out but I'm having so much fun with it), I am thankful for my dads health, my family, Annie's family.

Lots of people are in my thoughts and prayers this Thanksgiving. Some who I know personally, and others who I don't know but know they need our love. Please keep others who are less fortunate than you to be blessed with a nice thanksgiving in your thoughts and prayers. Be safe and Happy Thansgiving.


I have a dream

>> Nov 22, 2005

I kept meaning to post this. I had a horrible dream the other night. Very uncool. I realized that all of my fears come in dreams, and this one is a perfect example.

So I'm in my wedding dress and I woke up to find that it's late in the evening. I put on my flip flops (flip flops ?) and walk outside to see the reception in full swing...with the exception of me. I had no recollection of the wedding ceremony. I start crying. I look for and finally find Anthony, who didn't really seem to notice or care that I have been missing all of this, and I asked him, "Why didn't you wake me up?" and he said, "Because you were tired, and I thought you needed to rest." I then see our whole wedding party lined up and are in the receiving line to be announced into the reception, again, without me or Anthony. I asked Anthony, "What about our pictures? We need to take our pictures," to which he replied, "Well, you were asleep, so they took pictures without us." Unbelievable.

For the rest of the evening, I walked around, numb, and invisible (apparently, because no one stopped to talk to me). I kept thinking,
"I forgot to buy the cake knives; how will they cut the cake?"
"Are we still doing the Father/Daughter dance? Does the deejay know I wanted to do that because I don't remember finalizing the itinerary with him."
"What is everyone eating? I didn't choose a menu yet."
"My dress doesn't fit because we never got a final fitting. Why am I wearing slippers?"
"Why does Anthony look so happy in this nightmare of a wedding?"

The intent of this post is not to feel sorry for me, but just to laugh. I'm 99% positive all will go well on the big day, and that all of my fears will only turn up in dreams.

Still, with the way I am, I still worry so. :)

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone, if I don't get to post before then!! Let's see, what are Anthony's and my plans for this holiday? Spending it with our respective families, and worrying about how we'll split up our time with each family NEXT YEAR. Too much thinking for now! :) I bad.

Happy Turkey Day!

Much love, Annie


Happy Birthday to Anthony!

>> Nov 18, 2005

So it's Anthony's birthday and he's 27 years young! This is his last birthday as a free man. It's all downhill from here!

It's been a hectic week for me, but I just wanted Anthony to know that I thought of him all the time, and as tired as I am, I am so excited about celebrating his birthday! I get to take him out tonight. If all goes well, I will treat him to his favorite burger joint in LA (his choice, not choice would be somewhere a little schnazzier, but he's got simple tastes), and then take him to see "Walk the Line." Again, if it were me, I would be demanding nothing short of a 5-star restaurant, and something else extremely expensive and romantic. But that's me.

But how did this blog turn out to be about me? It's about Anthony, and how he's celebrating a birthday, and he's got so much to be proud of this past year, and this upcoming year. Anthony, I love you and I'm proud of you and you're 27 now! Happy Birthday :) Enjoy your day!

Everyone, please join me in wishing Anthony a happy birthday. This will tell me how many people actually read our blog! And how many people love Anthony. Now that I've guilted you into posting a comment, POST!


>> Nov 14, 2005


Why you cry?

>> Nov 3, 2005

*sniff sniff* I miss you, too, Anthony!

It's been a rough week, lemme tell ya. Right now, I am stuck at work due to a "suspicious package" on the subway station. I am stranded and I am waiting for my Dadoo to pick me up, since I lost my chance to ask others for a ride to downtown LA.

And you'd think that with my big straw hat and teary eyes that someone would take pity on me and give me a ride. :(


Missing Annie

On a typical week I talk to Annie nightly as we recap our days and tell each other about the hell we went through. Generally I don't see Annie at all throughout the entire week and we find ourselves jumping in each others arms come Friday. Lately I've been busy with school and work that some nights in the week we talk for maybe a half hour. As hard as that is, this week has been harder due to the fact that Annie is very busy at work. Last night when I got home from school at 10:30pm I called Annie up who was already sleeping having been up since 4:00am and I said maybe a total of ten words to her before I said goodnight to her and let her go back to sleep. I guess the point of this post is to let her know that I miss her but that with as little the time we've spent talking to each other I still love her very much and maybe even more. It use to feel good to see her face on Friday but now it feels good just to hear her voice. bye bye


Can the Toyota Pasucko get any worse???

>> Oct 24, 2005

Did I not just hit someone from behind today with the Paseo?
I could have sworn I saw her take off and turn right like I was about to.
I slowly inched my way up, taking my eye off the car in front of me and looking at oncoming traffic, thinking she had taken off, and all of a sudden...Bam!

As if the Paseo can look any worse?
Nothing was wrong with her car and I just have a broken turn signal.
It pisses me off though because anyone that knows me knows that I'm a careful driver! In fact Annie calls me grandpa when I drive.

As mad as I am andunable to concentrate on anyting school related, I figured the one thing that would help take my mind off matters would be to think about Annie.
Since we've been back from our retreat I haven't had the opportunity to express how the weekend affected me. Everyone I see asks me "How was it?"
My answer, "It was really great! I didn't want to be there at first thinking we were better than that, but the last day really hit Annie and I."
It's true. I figured Annie and I had been together for so long that we know everything there is to know. While that remained true, we did learn how we might go about to better understand the issues that we both know we disagree on. Sounds a bit confusing but we understood.
Annie gave a wonderful summary of how we spent our weekend and what it did for us as a engaged couple. I left the retreat with a new appreciation for her as a woman and as my future wife. Even though I had so much work to do when I got home I wanted nothing more than to be able to lie down, relax, and soak in the weekend.
How sucky was it one week later when Annie takes off on a family vacation and leaves me alone. Again, having a lot of school work, and teacher work to keep me busy, it was still hard to focus and get things done. I thought about how I spent my weekend when I heard a couple of people say to me, " Oh you're a free man this weekend." Did I once think that way and think about the fun I can go out and have? No! Why? Because the one person I can have fun with was not Annie.


>> Oct 16, 2005

Another beautiful view from the retreat center. That's all.


Anthony holding a bag of a staple food of his people. Also, the conference room where all the couples joined together with the presenters.


Anthony writing. Not posed at all. But doesn't he just look like a perfect fiance?


Me writing. Just a glimpse of what we did all weekend. Anthony gave me that rose that I'm mistreating by sitting on it.


This is Bud, the retreat mascot. He's waiting for someone to fish out his slimy tennis ball and throw it to him so he can catch it and then drop it back in the fountain. Rinse and repeat.


One of my favorite pics of the weekend.


Just me acting like I can take photographs.


Another view. "Where does Brit Brit live?", I wondered.


Anthony walking back.


Beautiful view...beautiful people. Just kidding.


Why did I think this was funny?


Close encounter of the engaged kind...

Dude. So we're back from our Engaged Encounter retreat weekend. What an experience. Where to begin? So we were supposed to be in Malibu by 7:15 PM on Friday night (Malibu is about 75 miles away from us). We didn't leave my house until about 5:30 PM. And then we hit traffic. And we needed to arrive having eaten. We grabbed something fast and I spilled BBQ sauce on my pants (crotch-area, of course) trying to hand Anthony his food while he drove. We also got amazingly lost in narrow neighborhood streets, and almost hit Bambi on the way (I now understand the phrase, " a deer in headlights.") Bambi seemed to say to us, "Dude, you guys are seriously over an hour late." We arrived a little after 8:30 PM.

The retreat was basically a chance for the two of us to discuss marriage and what we think we're getting into. Yes, it was a Catholic retreat, and yes, I know a lot of people don't really agree with the views of the Catholic Church, so I guess now is the time to mention that lots of other faiths were there, too, from Buddhists to Baptists. Not one couple walked away in a huff. It took place in beautiful Malibu (where I now want to live) at a retreat center in the hills. Fun times, we had to room with another person of the same gender. *Sigh* I know what you're thinking. We've waited this long to travel together..why not be able to stay in the same room? It's okay, we weren't too bummed about it. At least for me, I had a very cool roomie who was very accommodating and didn't fart in her sleep or ask me if her fiance could sleep in our room with us.

If anyone didn't know this by now, Anthony and I have been dating for almost 8 years now, so we know each other pretty well. I wanted to go because first of all, it's one of the requirements in order to get married in the church. Secondly, I wanted to reinforce what I already knew: that Anthony was THE one. Anthony, as usual, was too busy to really get excited about anything, so he was just going through the motions. Also, he felt we'd already talked about everything. But, he was going with positive intentions. And that's all I could ask for.

I will spare you from all the swarmy, marmy, mushy details, but just know that I love Anthony more than ever now. And I know Anthony feels the same way. But I'll let him tell his side of the story. We were still trying to get our bearings and settle in on Friday after being so late, so other than the beautiful view of the almost half-moon reflecting off the ocean while I wrote in my journal, we didn't get that much out of it. Saturday was a full day of the same thing, with the amazing view of the hills and ocean as we reflected on so much. But Sunday was the kicker for us. Lots of tears and emotion. Good tears and good emotion. Lots of "us-time" and commitment vows that I'm still thinking about even a couple of hours afterward and I will for a long time.

I highly recommend this retreat to anyone that is getting married. I know a lot of people may have already gone to this and didn't get anything out of it. It's different with us. I think it had a lot to do with the atmosphere and what you as a couple make of it.

It also helped that we made up names for some of the 46 couples that were there with us. We're ruthless when we're in public. Sorry to any couples we offended. :) But other than being the recluse "too cool for school" couple, we did meet some crazy couples that we will definitely keep in touch with.

With all that, we had a great experience, and I can't WAIT to be married.

Who knows? a couple of years, Anthony and I might even be one of the host couples that present to other engaged couples. Yikes! What's next? Anthony might as well look into being a priest. And I, a nun. Just kidding. Sorry everyone. All of these good things are finally happening to us, and we want to spread the love or give back somehow.

Pics to come!

Much love, Annie



>> Oct 5, 2005

(As told by Annie, and posted by Anthony)
For those of you who are not sure if they should be offended, the title is in reference to an old and very, very stereotypical Asian joke, the punch line being an Asian man jumping out of a supply closet and yelling, "Supplies!" as opposed to "Surprise!" due to the fact that he cannot pronounce his "r's." Ha ha, ho ho? Sigh.
So anyway, on September 25 we had a "supplies" of our own. What we thought was another Paraiso family party (Tito Boyet and Tita Eva's anniversary) turned out to be a surprise engagement party thrown by the bridesmaids (Celeste, Rosie, and Leana) and maid of honor (Ate Cristina) and the aunts (Tita Baby, my Ninang (Tita Neng), and Tita Eva) and held at Tito Boyet's and Tita Eva's house.
My mom, dad, and DJ's duty was to get us to the party. As we rounded the corner, my mom asked, "Shouldn't we call to tell them we're here?" Anthony and I still didn't catch on. As we opened the door, everyone yelled, "Surprise." Lots of family was there, from both sides. It was so nice to know that everyone took the time out for us. All of the wedding party were there, too (minus some of the sponsors, which are still undetermined, and one flower girl, Isobelle). And even better, they all had the themed shirts that I'd been wanting for a while.
OK, let's back up here to talk about the joke of the day. Raise your hand if you've ever "Googled" yourself. Type in your name, see what is on the Internet about you? THANK YOU! It's very interesting what comes up. Apparently, NO ONE had ever "Googled" themselves, and I turned out to be the weird stalker lady that has nothing to do but "Google" myself. Even the aunts and uncles that don't really mess with the Internet knew the meaning of "Googled yourself (include heavy Filipino accent)" by the end of the night, and were making fun of me. Anyway, I found the shirts online because my sister was working with Leana and her cousin's friend to get the shirts made, and I happened to stumble upon the designs when I looked my name up. I still didn't catch on that this may be for a surprise. I had mentioned that I wanted shirts made a long time ago, and figured that my sister was having them created in time for the rehearsal dinner or something. I wasn't suspicious at all.
Back to the story, so everyone was there, wearing their spiffy shirts, and I couldn't say a word. Anthony was laughing; I think he does that when he's embarrassed or he doesn't know what to say. We were so surprised. Turned out to be a very fun party with all of the immediate family and close relatives there. My dad made a very touching toast, as well as my bro, DJ, and also Anthony. The theme of the party were our wedding colors, brown and pink. It made me realize that everything looks great in those colors and that we made a good choice. It also made me realize that Anthony and I had made the right choices in picking our wedding party. From the party, a bachelor party committee was born, and I know the boys are working hard to come up with a great get-together for the Groom-To-Be. He loves strippers (just kidding), so don't forget to hire strippers (just kidding).
It was a great party, with great food, and I wanted to thank everyone involved. I don't want to get sappy here, but seriously, we were very touched that everyone went through so much trouble to keep the party a secret and for making the party happen. It was a beautiful set-up and we loved every minute of it.
In other news, I picked up my dress! Weeeeee! Although it needs to be taken in a LOT in the upper torso area (hahahaha), it's a pretty good fit and I'll be going for my final fitting early next year.
We've still got a lot to do, but I feel okay for right now. We've done a lot already to offset what else needs to be done. One thing I am worried about, though, is my hair and makeup. I am not sure what to do with that, since I have a clear picture of what I want with both (I've got exact pics and everything), but I am having trouble trying to figure out how expensive is TOO expensive, and how I can find someone that can make sure my hair won't be deflated by the end of the night. This is my biggest worry. I have numerous dreams (make that nightmares) where it's the wedding day, and I forgot to book hair and make up and then I end up crying in my bathroom curling my own hair and doing my own make up. I keep dreaming I forget something, like the food, or the giveaways, or the tuxedos, or the flowers. As I type this, my hands are shaking as I think of all the things that could go wrong. Yikes. And I don't even drink caffeine.
Also, we've hired coordinators for the rehearsal and wedding day, so that way our families don't have to take too much responsibility on those days, and just be able to relax and enjoy.
Getting excited! In a few weekends, Anthony and I are off to our Catholic Engaged Encounter retreat, so hopefully he and I will learn more about each other and get a lot out of it. Like maybe he doesn't want kids and then I have to pull a Renee Zellweger and point and yell, "Fraud!" in front of everyone. Or that I prefer to sleep in separate twin beds, like in "I Love Lucy." We can wear matching pajamas and everything.
Stay tuned.
xoxo, Annie

(see below for pictures...more to come soon)


More photos

>> Oct 4, 2005

Here is a link to the rest of the pictures taken the evening of our engagement party...


Emily helping Annie and I open gifts


Our cake


Proud parents


The party


Annie got a little emotional...and I'm just happy.


A toast to us




engagement party


Emily and her balloon!


Can you feel the love tonight?

>> Sep 19, 2005

Wow. I am very overwhelmed by the congrats we have received so far! I received blessings and best wishes from two Lolas (grandmothers) whom I haven't seen in forever. A special hello and prayers to Lola Tita in Cleveland, Ohio, and to Lola Elma in San Pablo City, Philippines who have sent me and Anthony and my family correspondence to congratulate us on our engagement. To see that they had taken the time out to write out very detailed letters really touches my heart. Every time I read the letters, I get more excited about the wedding! Even though it's still about 8 months away, it's as if it's just around the corner, and I can't wait to see mine and Anthony's relatives from all over the world. Thanks again!

I won't forget to mention all of the families that are near to us here in California, too! All of my family has been very supportive and I can tell that everyone is excited about the first wedding of my Dad's immediate family. Yes, Anthony is the second in his immediate family to get married, but I know that they, too, are anticipating the big day!

Don't stop posting, everyone! Does anyone have any questions? Does anyone love us enough to leave a comment?

Much love, Annie


Mr. Valtier

>> Sep 12, 2005

This past week I began my new job as a fifth grade teacher. The experience has been far beyond my expectations. I'm overwhelmed, stressed, tired, and a little lost. However, I can't remember a time when I had more fun. My students are amazing and the environment is one that is positive and caring. Without getting too religious and carried away, I can say that I truly believe that I stand here as a Catholic school teacher, not by accident, but becasue it's my calling. I feel this is where I'm supposed to be right now and inside it feels good.

Of course I haven't been able to do this alone. I have a wonderful woman in my life who has been more than supportive and more than helpful. At times, Annie has dropped everything so that she can help me in the classroom. Whether Annie was sick or not, she has been there for me where I needed her most. Thank you Annie! My parents and Annie's parents have also been very supportive and have done their part in helping me get my classroom ready. Their help is greatly appreciated.

I do want to thank my friends and family for your encouraging words this past week. I've received encouraging e-mails, messages on myspace, and voicemails that certainly helped calm the nerves. As a new teacher, standing in front of those kids, palms sweating, I almost re-thought my decision to do this. Sorry I haven't been able to reply back to everyone or call everyone back. Please understand that I'm busy trying to manage my time with this new job. I have faith that it will get easier... sooner or later.

I'm now in my second week of teaching and I'm having lots of fun!


For DJ

>> Aug 25, 2005

Just another day at the Acropolis
Boss - "Johny, we need you to clean up Row AA,
seats 1- 5"
Yanni - "It's Yanni!"
Boss - "Whatever, clean it up!"


>> Aug 24, 2005

Join the revolution that's "swiffering" the nation!
Come say hi to Annie
and Anthony :


Where are we going for our Honeymoon?


>> Aug 23, 2005

Honeymoon is booked!
Annie is on the left and I'm on the right.


Just wanted to say, "Hello!"

>> Aug 4, 2005

Hello, again. I just wanted to say hello, so everyone knows that we haven't forgotten about our journal! All is good. Anthony's been painting our little condo, so more and more, it's going to feel like home when I finally get to move in! If any of you didn't know already, Anthony's part-time job while going to school way back when was house painting. Well, his skills came in handy, and he did such a great job! Yay! I guess there's more to do, so you can find us at the condo on the weekends.

In between me moving ladders and washing brushes for him, I've been trying to plan a wedding. I think we're doing well. We've got almost everything booked. Within the next two weeks, the bridesmaids will be choosing their dresses. I'm still panicking. But I think that's a good thing, right? That means I'm organized and I'm GETTING IT DONE. We were watching Bridezillas on TV, and at the end of the show, they said, "Are you or someone you know a Bridezilla? We want your story." Anthony and DJ laughed and looked at me. WHY?

I don't have many changes as far as my life goes (I have no life), but come September, Anthony will be one busy mo-fo. He will be going back for his second quarter of grad school, and starting his new job as a teacher at a private elementary school.

On a sad note, my guinea pigs, Mary-Kate and Ashley, died a couple of weeks ago. It was entirely my fault. To put it in a nutshell, they died of exposure. It was an especially hot day in the hell that is Rancho Cucamonga. I know to other people that this is not a big deal, but to me it was, and I still feel guilty every day. If you're not familiar with the way I function, I love all animals, and to know that it was my fault just eats me up inside.

Unfortunately, we haven't seen any good shows lately, which is what I miss. I can't wait to get back into that and see some shows and go out on the weekends and do our thing that makes us who we are.

I WISH THAT PEOPLE WOULD COMMENT! Who's reading this? What do you think? Do you think I'm stupid? Do you think Anthony's stupid? Wanna fight? Yeah? Put up your dukes, tough guy!

Love, Annie


Do I really have these CD's???

>> Jul 13, 2005

What CD is not in my collection
REM - Around the Sun
Ella Fitzgerald and Duke Ellington - Ella at Duke's place
Original soundtrack - Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory
Ben Harper - Live on Mars
Gomez - Liquid Skin
Tracy Lawrence - I See It Now
Arcade Fire - Funeral
Elton John - Live at the Greek Theatre, L.A. 1970
Joseph Arthur - Vacancy EP
Amos Lee - Amos Lee
Free polls from


At L & O's wedding

>> Jul 7, 2005

Wow! Do I really have my hair up? Doesn't Anthony look so handsome in his tux? :)

The story of Ahi is simple. I love tuna. The end.

Just kidding. It stuck after my cousin, who will remain unnamed, couldn't say my name correctly when he was younger. I became Ahi. Then everything just came together. Ahi this, Ahi that, it can get pretty annoying. But who'd have thunk that the cousin that used to pee in my lap would give me a nickname that I would keep forever? And also, I do love ahi tuna--raw. Mmmm.


You think you know us huh?

Well I guess Annie and I couldn't fool you guys.
An overwhelming 75% guessed correctly that Annie's nickname is Ahi.
I'll let Annie fill you in on the history behind the nickname Ahi.

57% said that REM is my favorite rock group. As much as I love Gomez there's still a special place in my heart for REM. A fan since Automatic for the people, my REM collection now takes up it's own cd rack. There's something about listening to REM in the car and singing my heart out with Michael Stipe. My favorite REM song you ask??? That's a tough one but I would have to say Perfect Circle off of murmurs.

More quizzes to come...



>> Jun 20, 2005

Since we're sending out our announcements, I just wanted to re-welcome everyone to our blog! You can go through our archives and find out more about us since we started this blog...this was un-officially up since we were engaged in January 2005. Please feel free to comment and leave a "hello," just so we know you visited. Also, please note: INVITATIONS TO FOLLOW!

Annie and Anthony

And on to the goings-on of our life to date.

We saw "Wicked" last Friday. Very fun. I highly recommend to anyone who has a best friend. I loved the chance to be able to get dressed up and go out and see musicals and plays like we used to. If anyone doesn't know the story of "Wicked," let me give you a short synopsis. Basically, it's a prequel to the Wizard of Oz, focusing mainly on Glinda the Good Witch and the Wicked Witch of the East. Very cute, and the songs, well, as corny as they were, still made you want to hug the one next to you.

Anthony had as much fun as he could, due to the fact that on the same day, his dad was admitted to the hospital. Please keep him and the family in your thoughts and prayers.

Again, welcome to our blog, and keep visiting until you get bored with our mundane posts. jk


This is a hard one!

>> Jun 17, 2005

What is Anthony's favorite rock group?
Beta Band
Flaming Lips
Iron and Wine
Ben Harper and the Innocent Criminals
Bloc Party
Free polls from


Do you know Annie?

>> Jun 16, 2005

What is Annie's nickname?
The Analizer
Free polls from


Finding Love in Vegas Part Deux

>> Jun 15, 2005

Anthony said it all. To say we weren't on the best of terms going into the weekend is an understatement. I'd been feeling very neglected and taken for granted lately. I know Anthony felt like all of his good intentions were backfiring: going back to school and finding his teaching job. But what I needed to understand was that I was not the ONLY one Anthony didn't have time for. His family is suffering, too, because they never got to see him. I know it won't get better overnight, and I know that things won't ever be like how it was in the past when we didn't have a care in the world, so I just have to accept that and move forward positively.

The weekend was fun. It made me miss Anthony so much because it was so weird to know that he was so close, but yet we couldn't see each other. But, like Anthony said, we talked endlessly when we both got back on Sunday. We had a chance to have a wonderful heart-to-heart. I've always known, but was again reminded that him and I have the same goals and values, and that there's no one else that is better suited for either of us.


Finding Love in Vegas

>> Jun 13, 2005

This past weekend Annie and I took part in Oscar's and Leana's Bachelor/ Bachelorette party up in Las Vegas.
The girls stayed at the Paris hotel while the guys roughed it out at Terribles. Despite being sick the whole weekend the trip was fun and our nights were even better. From what Annie tells me, Leana enjoyed herself and had a lot of fun and from what I've told Annie, Oscar enjoyed himself and had a lot of fun.

As much fun as we had away from each other I can say that I missed Annie so much. I've been so busy lately with school and trying to fit it in my routine that I've forgotten how much Annie means to me. I got to a point where I took it for granted that she would always be there. Vegas and all it's sins that it has to offer made me remember why I love her the way I do. As weird as it sounds, I found love in Vegas. Not that I ever stopped loving her, I just stopped showing her that I love her. We went to Vegas not on the best of terms but I came home being in love with her more than I've felt in a long time. I feel gushy and giddy with her, and I miss her when I'm not with her. I enjoyed talking to her last night as we told each other how our weekends were ( I only saw her one night the whole weekend). I didn't want to let her go as I was hugging and kissing her goodbye and I can't wait to see her again.

Now that I've reached this point again that was lost in the middle of my busy life I need to find a way to keep it going. I'm glad we went and I'm glad it brought us close again. I'm so thankful for having such a wonderful girl in my life and I glad that she's mine and not someone else's. I love you Annie


Stress...But good stress!

>> May 27, 2005

I'm quickly coming to a close on my first quarter of grad school. Does anyone even know I'm in grad school?
For those of you who don't know, let me fill you in. In March I was accepted into the MS program in Educational Counseling and Guidance / PPS credential at California State University San Bernardino. I began my first quarter of a three year program in April and I have been overwhelmed to say the least. Lots of work, lots of dedication, and lots of stress, but I couldn't be more excited to be a part of this program. For awhile now it's been a goal of mine to encourage our youth to go on and pursue a higher education. Through my undergrad work as a Sociology major, I learned so much about the lack of adequate mentors that minorities, especially Latinos, have while going to school. With no direction or guidance from anyone, dropping out of school, or not going on to college is often the end result.

So this is where I'm at now, and this is what I'm doing. I don't have much time to myself anymore and it's becoming harder to spend time with Annie, or at least the amount of time I would like to.
She understands, but like everyone, sometimes her understandable needs get in the way, which make things tough. But we find a way to talk it out and work it out becasue we're better than that.
I could go on but I know I've already put everyone to sleep.
So I'll end it now
More news to come soon. Must get back to school work.


Got THE dress...

>> May 11, 2005

Well, the show must go on. I'm still a little out of it and sad, and sort of shell-shocked by the suddenness of my grandmother's passing away, but I know I still have to keep planning.

My bridesmaids (Celeste, Rosie, and Leana) and my maid of honor (my Ate Cristina) all took a trip to Mon Amie Bridal, highly recommended by Leana, where she got her dress, too, for her wedding to Oscar in July! I definitely understand why. Customer service is fabulous, and the dressing rooms are ginormous; all of my peeps could sit and watch me whilst I changed (not sure if that is a good thing or a bad thing). Best part of all, after you choose your top 3 or 4 dresses, they stick a veil on you, and hand you a bouquet of silk flowers, and you can walk down the "runway" to just make yourself feel that much more inclined to buy and to love your dress even more. Even more special is the fact that I will be incorporating my Mom's train that she wore when she was married into my dress. Perfect. I don't know how I'll survive another year without "accidentally" showing Anthony pics of me in the sample dress.

After dress shopping, my gals and I had a tea lunch. Very fun. Very cool, because this was the first time everyone met, and it seems as if we all get along just famously. Of course, we must always include a typical Annie moment: I knocked a sammich off my plate as they were setting them down on the table. Oh well. But the important thing is that all of the girls got along, and that we had a great time. Each one of them will add something unique to our wedding.

Next up, bridesmaids dresses! We need to pick our exact colors, first.

Hey, what about Anthony, you ask? Well...tell him to post!


On a sad note...

>> May 2, 2005

Please keep my grandmother and my family in your thoughts and prayers. My grandmother, Corazon Mandin, passed away last Monday. She was 87 years old. Read here.

We love you, (Lola) Mamang, and you will be very much missed.


>> Apr 1, 2005

Engagement photo # 1...more to come soon!


March Madness

>> Mar 31, 2005

Happy Easter everyone! This was our first holiday as an engaged couple. Families up the wazoo. Imagine about 20 different personalities at the same table for brunch. Imagine the panic when someone speaks up to complain about the food or the service or the reservations. But all I needed was a simple squeeze of Anthony's hand to know it was all going to be okay, and that we are so lucky to have a sabado gigante family that is coming together to support us as a unit.

Engagement pics to come. We're fixin' to have some engagement announcements sent out soon, too! Everything is going splendidly, for now. We're totally booked (appointment-wise) in April, and I hope to get most of our vendors picked out by May or June, so I don't have to worry about too much. Anthony will be going back to school for his graduate program next week. I'm excited for him! I, too, will be taking some classes: yoga and step aerobics. I'm excited for myself. We've also got other events coming up, too: Coachella in April, Gomez in May, Wicked (The Musical) in June and other things in between! Ah yes, and since we'd given up beef for Lent, we owe each other big beef dinners at our favorite places: Anthony's burger joint in LA, and for me, my beloved prime rib. So nice to feel bloated and heavy again! I'm sorry everyone; I can't be a vegetarian. I really want to be, believe me. It's hard.



>> Mar 8, 2005

Last Saturday we strolled around the city of Westminster and around Little Saigon. On Sunday we had lunch in Monterey Park. For anyone who doesn't know the area, these cities are Asian Galore. Everything is Asian!

It was Annie who said "This is your life now."
It was DJ who said "Did you ever think you would step foot inside an Asian supermarket?"

No I never thought I would. I never thought I would walk amongst a crowd and be taller than everyone. I never thought I would eat half the food I've eaten just this past week alone. I never thought I would accept a change in my lifestyle for anyone.

Of course Annie isn't just anyone.
Love pushes me to just go with the flow and accept the stares I get.
It's really not that big of a deal but it is funny when Annie brings it up. I mean it's not everyday you see a Mexican walking around an Asian strip mall.


Okay, I can relax a little...

>> Mar 2, 2005

So, we've been on edge and all riled up because we were worrying about booking the church and the reception site. This past week, we've been able to book both. So yeah, we're very relieved. But, there's no backing out now! I guess I'm stuck with Anthony whether I like it or not. Sorry, boys. jk :)

I would love to post where the church and the reception site will be, but I think we'll keep that a surprise until we can get some announcements and save-the-dates out. More info to come! Yay us.


We would like you to meet...

>> Feb 24, 2005

Bennie, our blind Labrador. We're trying to figure out a way for him to be our ringbearer, but we're not sure he can make it down the aisle without knocking over some tulle and flower arrangements.


Changing the date again!

>> Feb 22, 2005

So, here I am. I get to post, too! I'd like to introduce myself. I am Anthony's better half, Annie. Nice to meet all of you and welcome to the wedding debacle.

We're changing the date again! It seems as if California has switched gears and decided to no longer be sunny. That's what Dallas Raines and Fritz Coleman said. We fear that the rainy season may repeat at this time next year. So, with the weather being the way it is, and with everyone telling us that flowers are three times as expensive in the month of February, we decided to wait a little longer to start our life together. We're not even factoring in the reception sites and churches that seem to already be booked. the date...again...we think...April 29, 2006.


Wedding Party

>> Feb 17, 2005

Annaliza Mandin Paraiso's Party

Maid of Honor - Maria Cristina Mandin Paraiso
Bridesmaid - Celeste Legaspi Paraiso
Bridesmaid - Leana Marie Rodriguez
Bridesmaid - Rosemarie Jeanette Valtier

Anthony Lawrence Valtier's Party

Best Man - Michael Henry Valtier
Groomsman - Daniel Joseph Mandin Paraiso
Groomsman - Oscar Horatio Viramontes
Groomsman - Jose Gabriel Martin


AnnaLiza Paraiso, Will you marry me? Posted by Hello


A month in...

...and all we have set is the date. After learning that no ceremonies are given during Lent in the Catholic church, we have moved up our date from March to February 25th. The 25th of February happens to be the last Saturday before Lent begins. With it being in February we now risk the chance of it raining on our day. This year February has seen its share of rainy weather so maybe next year it won't rain as much.
So save the date everyone. February 25th...we think.
What else? Oh we found out that one of our two choices for the church is booked on our day and the time we wanted. They have an earlier time available but I don't think we want an early ceremony. Bummer I know, but this might help our decision as to what church we pick. We may not have a choice.
Reception location is looking promising. We have an appointment this Saturday at a location. Beautiful location and it looks nice inside. We'll see how things go. Just the other week we threw out the idea of having it at a winery in Temecula. The wineries were so beautiful out there but the drive was long. It took us an hour to get out there so I can only imagine how long it would take for our friends and family from L.A. to get out there. Sad to let that idea go.
As each decision is made I will reveal them but until then I will keep them underwraps so as not to ruin our chances.


Valentines Day

>> Feb 14, 2005

Today is the day I'm supposed to express my love for Annie and shower her with love and gifts.
Am I off the hook since I just bought her an engagement ring? Apparently I'm not, so I've sent Annie flowers and I'm using this forum as a way to express my love for her.
Annie I love you very much. You make me smile, you make me laugh, you make me happy. This year will be filled with headaches and stress as we plan this wedding of ours but there is no one I would rather do this with than you.
Happy Valentines Day to my beautiful Fiancee.
I love you Annie.


The Proposal

>> Jan 16, 2005

What was once a dream turned into reality. A Gomez concert is unlike any other concert. It's a time for singing, dancing, drinking, and smoking for some. A Gomez concert is a great time to share with your friends because Gomez truly are your friends.
Annie and I have long been followers of Gomez and their music with our first concert being in 1999 at the John Anson Ford Amphitheater. With our numerous Gomez concerts I guess you can say the band has become acquaintances of ours.
It was Saturday, January 15th 2005 at the Belly Up Tavern in Solana Beach, near San Diego.
With the help of a dear friend, it was arranged prior to the concert that I would propose to Annie in front of everyone. It wasn't clear how this would all go down but I knew that at some point in the evening I would be asked to get up onstage and take part in an improvised act. Hands shaking, knees wobbling, uneasy stomach, I couldn't find a way to enjoy the concert. As the night wore on I kept running my rehearsed speech through my head over and over again.
With a few beers in my system I thought I was ready to go. In an unusual occurance, Gomez had just finished their third set and decided to come back out for one last song. Needing "help with the last song", Tom Gray said they would pick someone from the audience "at random".
As Tom reached for my hand I think I remember Annie's words being something along the line of " Oh F**k no!" The stage was set, the stage was now mine.
Everything I rehersed went out the window the moment I looked up and saw the crowd.
Dry mouth and all I was able to win the crowd over and not have them boo me off the stage.
In fact the crowd seemed to be really into it. "For me, the best part of a Gomez concert is being able to share it with my best friend, my girlfriend, Annie." It was at this moment that Annie and the crowd knew what I had planned. Annie was helped up onto the stage and the crowd cheered us on. I pulled out the ring from my pocket and the crowd went nuts!
I believe the exact words were "AnnaLiza Paraiso, will you marry me?" Obviously she said yes or we wouldn't be here now. Sure I almost put the ring on the wrong finger, but you try and get up there in front of everyone and ask the person you love to marry you. I remember needing a drink badly because of my dry mouth. As requested by Ian, we were to stay up there for the last song or as they referred to it, the "bridal dance"
With the help of Annie and myself on vocals, the band launched into "get myself arrested"
What a night, what a story.
Thanks to Meghan, Oscar, and Leana and our friends Gomez for making this dream come true.


Our Love

>> Jan 15, 2005

Welcome to our lives.
For almost seven years Annie and I have been together and in love. In our nearly seven years, Annie and I have seen our fair share of ups and downs. We are each others best friends and support each other in everything we do. After 1 year we both knew this was it and we were meant for each other. We knew we would end up together but we just didn't know when or how. Unfortunately it took me awhile to figure out what I wanted in life. While most girls would have left, Annie stayed by my side and encouraged me to find what I wanted in life. Her love and support is the reason why I stand here today as a college graduate.
Her love and support has now pushed me towards entering the MS in Counseling and Guidance program at Cal State San Bernardino which will begin in the Spring of 05. Going to grad school seemed to be the only logical choice since a bachelors degree doesn't seem to be helping me land a job. Annie's life is no walk in the park either. Just recently she was promoted and is now a Financial Analyst for the city Walk Finance department at Universal Studios. This promotion comes with more pay of course but also with more responsibilities and longer hours which will make our lives very busy. With Annie's new position and me going back to school Annie and I have a tough road ahead of us and know that for a few years our lives will be very busy. However we are very optimistic that our hard work and love for each other will pay off and eventually we will live a much simpler life, together as one.


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