T-minus 40 days, 12 hours, 54 minutes, 40 seconds

>> Mar 19, 2006

I just realized that the countdown to Coachella is actually our countdown as well! So we don't have to put one up. Just go there. And for all the Cali peeps missing out on the 2-day festivities (although the thought of Madonna in the Sahara tent gives me the willies--in a bad way--think about it...Tool fans and Madonna fans together at last!), thanks for choosing us over Indio. Keep those RSVP's coming. Love you all!



Anonymous 9:33 PM  

It's like a prayer that our friends would choose us over Coachella. It's like a ray of light knowing that we're worth missing an event packed full of goodies. I know, we'll play Madonna at the reception so everyone feels like they're dancing in the Sahara dance tent.

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