My Father the Hero

>> Apr 19, 2006

Again, this is not a review of the cult classic 1994 movie starring Gérard Depardieu and Katherine Heigl. This is however a thanks to my Dad, Henry. As many of you are aware my Dad hasn't been in the best of health lately and has been in and out of the hospital. A week before my bachelor party it was very doubtful that he would be able to attend. Not even out of the hospital a week he somehow got his strength to come out and display about as much energy as I had that night. During the two weeks he was in the hospital ther were talks whether he would be out of the hospital and able to make it to our wedding.

Today though as I type this it's such a great sight to see my Dad doing well. it's agood feeling inside and I thank the many prayers that came his way. Like a roller coaster, we go up and down with my Dad's health, but right now we're going up and I'd like to believe that we're going to keep going up. Of course you'll see the biggest smile on my face on April 29th when I see my Dad dressed in a tux watching Annie and I get married.


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