Missing Annie

>> Nov 3, 2005

On a typical week I talk to Annie nightly as we recap our days and tell each other about the hell we went through. Generally I don't see Annie at all throughout the entire week and we find ourselves jumping in each others arms come Friday. Lately I've been busy with school and work that some nights in the week we talk for maybe a half hour. As hard as that is, this week has been harder due to the fact that Annie is very busy at work. Last night when I got home from school at 10:30pm I called Annie up who was already sleeping having been up since 4:00am and I said maybe a total of ten words to her before I said goodnight to her and let her go back to sleep. I guess the point of this post is to let her know that I miss her but that with as little the time we've spent talking to each other I still love her very much and maybe even more. It use to feel good to see her face on Friday but now it feels good just to hear her voice. bye bye


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